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Our vision is focusing on the needsof the local community and beyondCheck out some of our projects that we're involved with and let us know how you can help.
COMMUNITY LUNCHGreat Food, Great CompanyWe started these in October 2016, with our first lunch feeding 40 people within the community. These lunches provide not only a healthy 2-course meal, but a connection with others in the community.
Come and join us for a great lunch all for a gold coin donation and enjoy connecting with others. Our lunches are on every second Thursday of the month, from 11:30am at Empower Church.![]() |
VEGE CO-OPCommunity Kai NetworkThis runs out of the carpark of Empower Church, where we are packing around 180 packs per week, supplying fresh fruit & vege's to community groups, schools, and other organisations.
A group of 20 volunteers help pack, deliver and oversee the running of this social enterprise, giving healthy eating into the community at affordable prices. Every Wednesday 10:30am | $15.00 per pack![]() |
Our Community Care Assistance n is a new initiative, which is bringing our community through food. We are currently working with other organisations, which brings fresh produce and essential food items.
BUYCYCLESA novel approach to alleviating disadvantgeBuyCycles is an exciting new initiative , which gives the opportunity for owning a bike for those recovering with or who are experiencing the issues of mental health. We are working with Canterbury Community & Public Health and the Mental Health sector, delivering bikes to encourage health and well being, with an affordable and independent means of transport. Click on the link below for our Agreement form: /site/beulah/BuyCycles Agreement.pdf ![]() |
HELPING HANDSCommunity Care... Reaching OutHelping Hands is a Community Care project, where we are able to send teams out to volunteer their time in the community, providing help with jobs around people's homes in the way of gardening, stacking firewood or helping move items. ![]() |
SO MANY MORE...Other Great ProjectsThere are other great projects and events which happen throughout the year, which include
CAP Money
CONTACT USPHONE 022 363 0863